Our Services

Elevating Workplace Dynamics:

Our Tailored Services and Delivery Approach

At KDLCoaching, our mission is to cultivate thriving, harmonious, and successful lives, careers,

and workplace environments.

We offer expertise in Advanced Communication, leveraging powerful tools like Extended DISC, alongside comprehensive Communication and Professional Development education. Our programs equip individuals with essential skill-sets to understand their own communication and behavioural styles, as well as those of others.

Additionally, we prioritise emotional and mental wellbeing through coaching in areas such as Emotional Intelligence, Stress-Management, and leveraging individual strengths and personal growth. We also specialise in relationship coaching, fostering healthy, happy, and productive workplace dynamics and assist in managing workplace conflict.

Our tailored approach supports individuals and organisations in personal and professional growth, focusing on empowering leaders and their teams.

Together, we can encourage a workplace environment where every individual thrives.

We primarily deliver our services through live online sessions conducted via Zoom or Teams platforms, offering a centralised meeting space accessible from any location. This approach not only ensures convenience but also reduces costs for you, enabling seamless collaboration and engagement regardless of geographical boundaries.

Benefits of 'Live' Virtual Online Coaching & Training

  • Delivering quality coaching and training to you regardless of location

  • Bring teams together, even from their WFH office

  • Reduce unnecessary travel costs

  • One central virtual training room with break-out rooms for workshop break-out sessions





Strong Leadership has become an urgent need in businesses around the world. For our Leaders, this means incredible change that demands a more human approach and as a result, a new Leadership strategy.

We work with Leaders through a range of 1:1 and Group programs that support and develop Leadership strengths, influence and wellbeing.

Thriving workplaces don't just happen by chance, they are created purposefully and with passion to uphold values of harmony, respect and understanding that leads to increased productivity and efficiency for their people and all stakeholders.

We deliver coaching and workshops that bring people together to make high-performing teams and encourage healthy workforces.

Studies by leading experts, The Oxford University and Forbes, found that happy employees are 13% - 20% more productive at work, engaged and present, motivated and inspired to achieve fulfilling, successful results.

We deliver coaching workshops for personal and professional transformation, with a focus on strengths, empowerment and stress management.

Setting and meeting goals that are aligned with vision and focus enables us to feel fulfilled, accomplished and successful. It helps with employee job satisfaction, retention and security.

We deliver goals and growth workshops that help you hit the refresh, refocus and regrowth button with vision and purpose in achieving the desired outcome.

Extended DISC

Advanced Communication

Relationships/Workplace Conflict

Tailoring To Your Needs

Extended DISC is one of the most in-demand profiling tools used by blue chip companies in the world today. Amongst other functions essential to business productivity and success, it provides comprehensive insights into an individual’s personality and behaviour profile, including their flexibility zones, motivators and demotivators, strengths and development areas. It provides many details, including their natural time management, communication and management styles and indicators of causes and signs of stress and how it may be relieved.

Advanced communication is paramount for thriving businesses, enabling seamless interactions across all levels. Our tailored coaching equips leaders and teams with essential skills to navigate complexities effectively. From enhancing interpersonal connections to crafting compelling messages that are actually heard and received, our programs empower individuals to drive positive outcomes and foster quality relationships. With advanced communication at the core, your workplace will excel, fostering success and connection at every turn.

Relationship coaching in a business context acts as a catalyst for smoother workflows and reduced workplace conflict. With specialist relationship coaching, we aim to encourage a restored, harmonious workplace environment, where all parties feel heard, valued and positively focused. By honing skills like empathy, understanding and tolerance, individuals navigate challenges more effectively, fostering a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Ultimately, it elevates workplace dynamics, leading to enhanced productivity and shared success.

At KDLCoaching, we recognise that every individual and business is unique, with distinct needs and aspirations. We take pride in our personalised approach, listening attentively to understand your specific requirements. Through this tailored approach, we craft customised solutions that cater to your unique goals and challenges. Whether you're seeking leadership development, team building, or communication enhancement, we're dedicated to delivering results that align with your vision and drive success. We look forward to discussing how we can help you reach your potential.

100% Confidential


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The KDLCoaching Newsletter

Actionable Communication and Human Behaviour Resources and Advice for your Inbox

Sign up for communication and human behaviour insights and updates with best practices on how to maximise your leadership and teams performance. We know you're busy, so our emails are no more than fortnightly and won't clog your inbox.

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Extended DISC Personalised Reports and Workshops

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help

  • Learn about your own behaviour style and others

  • Add essential verbal and non-verbal Advanced Communication skills to your toolbelt

  • Become a Leader of influence through positive learning & development

  • Manage emotional and mental wellbeing through awareness and stress management

  • And more: for Leaders, Teams and workplace harmony

©KDLCoaching 2024